[oslc] Announcing the OSLC Core Specification Workgroup

Dave snoopdave at gmail.com
Wed Feb 17 13:54:33 EST 2010

The OSLC Workgroup leads have decided to form an active workgroup to
ensure the consistency and architectural integrity of the OSLC
specifications by creating a new OSLC Core Specification and offering
guidance on common concerns. This core specification will build on the
best practices we’ve learned as a community and on the work on the
existing work groups. Future OSLC specifications can be based on this
core specification and focus solely on domain-specific concerns.

Initially the workgroup will meet weekly on Wednesdays at 10AM US
Eastern Time. Our first meeting will be February 24. It is anticipated
that each of the workgroup leads will be involved, but this new
workgroup will not be limited to leads. We encourage anybody from the
OSLC community to participate.

In the next couple of days I will be sending out invites, creating the
wiki pages for the new work group and creating an agenda for the first
meeting. I’ll let you know when those pages are in place.


David M Johnson
IBM / Rational
dmjohnso at us.ibm.com

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