[OSLC] Generating language bindings for the OSLC interfaces

Steve K Speicher sspeiche at us.ibm.com
Thu Feb 4 14:26:07 EST 2010

Olivier Berger <olivier.berger at it-sudparis.eu> wrote on 02/04/2010 
02:10:23 PM:
> Le jeudi 04 février 2010 à 09:53 -0600, Andrew J Berner a écrit :
> > 
> > What can the OSLC workgroups develop to make the interfaces easy to
> > consume?
> Provide some Open-Source implementations of both server-side and
> client-side tools that implement (maybe partially at least) OSLC specs.

I think it would be a nice by-product of the specifications to have this 
as well.  It would be difficult to add additional burden on working groups 
to generate these and shouldn't hold up a spec.

> These may help people to test without much burden (license wise), and
> maybe understand by reading some code instead of reading some specs or
> high level models/language bindings.


> These may also eventually become de-facto reference implementations and
> participate to conformance suites some day ?

This is what I hope plays out and trying to make this a reality. 

It is very good to see this happening and would like to highlight that 
there is some work within the Eclipse Mylyn project to produce a OSLC-CM 
V1.0 Java consumer API as well.  Hopefully we'll have multiple 
implementations on each end of the integration to further validate the 

Steve Speicher | IBM Rational Software | (919) 254-0645
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