[oslc] OSLC Change Management Working Group Minutes December 8, 2010

Steve K Speicher sspeiche at us.ibm.com
Wed Dec 8 13:34:19 EST 2010

Minutes: http://open-services.net/bin/view/Main/CmMeetings12082010

Attendees: SteveSpeicher, SamLee, AndreWeinand, DaveJohnson, 
ScottBosworth, SofiaYeung

Regrets: RobertElves, SamitMehta, SamPadgett 

- Recap of previous meeting CmMeetings11102010
- Community updates
  - Implementation progress
    + CmImplementationReports table consolidation at Google Docs
       - change Consumer "not supported" entries to look less problematic, 

         indicate they don't use the services
       - expand on non-OSLC resources supported 
    + Discussion that we need to do something more with 1.0 
implementations, there is 
      no good single catalog of consumers (and there are many)
    + Oracle TPC team will update their V1 Impl report 
  - Open source project update: see OslcOpenSourceProjectProposal and 
Sourceforge Project 'oslc-tools'
    + Just an update of current progress, provider test suite to be 
contributed soon by IBM-
- Specification Issues Review CmSpecV2Issues
  - [NEW ISSUE] Wrongly refer to oslc:ServiceProvider's property 
    when it belongs to oslc:Service resource. Proposed wording fix: 
    "OSLC CM service providers MUST supply a value of 
     for the property oslc:domain on either oslc:Service or 
     resources" changing oslc:ServiceProvider to oslc:Service
    + Agreement to make this change 
- Updated Change Request 2.0 Properties Mapping Google Spreadsheet to 
match 2.0 spec
- Review and prioritize scenarios for further consideration
  - Summarizing and consolidating items in CmArchitecturalDirectionV3 and 
   - Scenario Backlog
     + ITOpsToDev
     + CmScenarioDelegatedResourceEditors
     + No immediate feedback, owners will continue to fill out these 
       General agreement on the priority of these scenarios. 
- Next meetings:
  - Schedule for 2011
     + January 5, reoccurring ever 2 weeks (same time and day) 

Steve Speicher | IBM Rational Software | (919) 254-0645

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