[oslc] OSLC Asset Management 1.0 spec declared final

Scott Bosworth bosworth at us.ibm.com
Wed Apr 21 14:18:11 EDT 2010

Congratulations to the Asset Management workgroup who have completed the
first version of the OSLC Asset Management spec! [1]. The spec is modeled
after other existing V1 specs and deals with creating, fetching, and
querying software assets and their associated artifacts. The Asset
Management workgroup had the dubious distinction of converging and
finalizing the spec in the midst of the forming OSLC Core guidelines. While
this resulted in a bit of a wild ride for the workgroup, it also allowed
them to adopt some of the emerging guidelines early, putting them in a good
place as they look ahead to a version 2 spec.

Congratulations again to the individuals from Black Duck, Citi, The
Emphasys Group, IBM, Shell, and WebLayers who were involved in various
aspects of the scenario and spec development and review.

[1] http://open-services.net/bin/view/Main/AssetMgSpecificationV1

Scott Bosworth | IBM Rational CTO Team | bosworth at us.ibm.com | 919.486.2197
(w) | 919.244.3387(m) | 919.254.5271(f)
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