[oslc] OSLC Change Management Working Group Minutes April 14, 2010

Steve K Speicher sspeiche at us.ibm.com
Thu Apr 15 08:58:15 EDT 2010

Minutes: http://open-services.net/bin/view/Main/CmMeetings04142010

Attendees: SteveSpeicher, AndreWeinand, YongLi, MatsGothe, RobertElves, 
BrianSteele, DaveJohnson, MarkRinger, GiliMendel, SamLee, ScottBosworth, 
Regrets: MikKersten, DenisTyrell 
No changes to agenda 
Community News: 
YongLi have completed their 1.0 implementations utilizing basic auth 
IBM Rational's Innovate Conference in June 6-10 in Orlando coming up 
SteveSpeicher to coordinate F2F? with workgroup attendees, please contact 
SteveSpeicher if you will be attending and availability to meet. 
DaveJohnson is giving a talk on OSLC and Jazz Integration Architecture 
MikKersten is giving a talk 
MattThomas is giving a talk 
SteveSpeicher is giving with OSLC workshop and demonstrations 
CmOfRequirements reviewed alignment, aligned with 1.0 capability 
CmTaskTracking no updates to review 
Progress on 2.0 Specs 
CmSpecV2Draft Resolution to keep on current outline and elaborate as 
indicated in current draft 
Discussion on how best to represent resources (either table form or 
resource shape), SteveSpeicher and DaveJohnson to work out an approach 
Reviewed CmComments proposal, agreed on. RobertElves to add some 
additional descriptions on expected limitations (deleting comments, 
updating, etc) 
Tagging update coming soon, SofiaYeung and DenisTyrell will follow up with 
SteveSpeicher and flesh out some ideas. 
Next meetings: 
21-Apr-2010 CmTechnicalPrioritiesV2 
28-Apr-2010 (regular) 
Update minutes as needed 

Steve Speicher | IBM Rational Software | (919) 254-0645
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