[OSLC] OSLC-CM Working Group Minutes 14 October 2009

Steve K Speicher sspeiche at us.ibm.com
Wed Oct 14 14:13:14 EDT 2009

Minutes http://open-services.net/bin/view/Main/CmMeetings10142009

Attendees: SteveSpeicher, SamitMehta, SamLee, AndreWeinand, MikKersten, 
RobertElves, OlivierBerger, MarkRinger, SteveAbrams, EricSink 
Regrets: SusanDuncan, ScottBosworth 

OlivierBerger gave introduction of himself and effort he's involved in see 
post on email thread 
Described new topic areas and extended membership to CM members. There 
were no questions. 
Review of outstanding action items: 
SteveSpeicher updated milestone plan 
SteveSpeicher completed updating CmCommonProperties per previous minutes 
Review of updated to CmCommonProperties 
WG agreed with approach to defining the common properties for a change 
ACTION: Each product team to fill-in and validate columns in table in 
CmCommonProperties once SteveSpeicher makes final editing pass. 
Additionally, team members should validate current mappings, add proposed 
new fields and update unmapped fields. 
Discussed definition of project field and usage: 
Rational Change has product_name field which is treated as a simple 
containment value with some metadata 
Bugzilla has main concept of product for medium size deployments and then 
some contextual configuration for larger depoyment, according to 
OlivierBerger proposed used of DOAP for definition a project. WG will 
defer the decision until we have a list of fields that we want to spec, 
then look at constraints on field types. 
No update on integration styles writeup, previous ACTION on ScottBosworth, 
SteveAbrams and MarkRinger 
Proposed scenario around requirements change management 
WG agreed to include within 2.0 effort 
SteveSpeicher to work on elaboration of the scenario 
SteveSpeicher informed of effort to attempt to produce test suite for 
ACTION: ScottBosworth , SteveSpeicher to investigate contribution of 
company logos to the site 
Next meeting 28-Oct-2009 12:00 PM ET 
ACTION: SteveSpeicher to schedule out meetings in 2010 for same day and 
update with any corrections  

Steve Speicher | IBM Rational Software | (919) 254-0645
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