[OSLC] Demo for Delegated Resource Selection/Creation

Madhumita Dhar madhumita.dhar at it-sudparis.eu
Tue Nov 17 08:37:32 EST 2009


I am working on the project Helios
https://picoforge.int-evry.fr/cgi-bin/twiki/view/Helios_wp3/Web/ with
Olivier Berger, who has introduced himself and our work before here
http://open-services.net/pipermail/oslc-cm_open-services.net/2009-September/000008.html We are working on bugtracker interoperability. Your standardisation efforts for change requests interest us a a great deal.

I have been looking at the resource creation specifications and wish to
know if there is some kind of demonstrator or reference implementation,
available publicly, to show the workings of the protocols, especially
the Attended/Delegated Resource Creation. It would greatly benefit to my

Thank you.

Best regards,
Madhumita DHAR <madhumita.dhar at it-sudparis.eu>
Ingénieur Recherche
Institut TELECOM, SudParis (http://www.it-sudparis.eu/), Evry, FRANCE

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