[OSLC] OSLC Change Management Working Group Minutes from 22 July 2009

Steve K Speicher sspeiche at us.ibm.com
Wed Jul 22 16:57:14 EDT 2009

Minutes: http://open-services.net/bin/view/Main/CmMeetings07222009

Attendees: SteveSpeicher, MikKersten, ScottBosworth, JayGillibrand, SamLee
, SamitMehta 
Call for agenda changes, no changes 
1.0 spec maintenance items (new) CmSpecificationTracking? : 
no objections: agree with change to remove issue erroneous sample for 
additional collection 
SteveSpeicher will make changes directly in 1.0 specifications, log 
changes made in CmSpecificationTracking? and communicate 
Progress on extending participation 
MikKersten sent out various emails and some discussions, waiting responses 

ScottBosworth met with IBM business development team and additional follow 
up is scheduled 
SteveSpeicher some misc discussions, nothing concrete at the moment 
Review of AccessScenario? and CmScenariosReporting 
MikKersten has reporting need in Tasktop but uses local Mylyn cache, there 
is a need to pull live data: have no need for burn-down charts but see 
reporting teams needing the historical info 
no additional feedback from other WG members 
Prioritization of work for 2.0 based on current participation 
WG agreed to focus on high-priority technical work while WG is expanding 
and will adjust priorities accordingly. Items were: 
Meta-data/Schema support 
Authentication models 
Next meeting proposed agenda: 5-August-2009 CmMeetings08052009: 
SteveSpeicher to review CQ schema support via REST 
Review ScenariosMylyn 
Work towards milestone plans and timing for 2.0 

Please update with any corrections.

Steve Speicher | IBM Rational Software | (919) 254-0645
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