[OSLC] OSLC Asset Mgmt workgroup meeting updates (15 July 09)

Grant J Larsen gjlarsen at us.ibm.com
Mon Jul 20 11:10:37 EDT 2009

/////////////////// UPDATE on 15 July 09 Asset Management Workgroup
meeting /////////////////////////
Thanks for your participation on today's call. Below is a summary of the
highlights and next items.

Some highlights from today:

1. We reviewed current scenarios captured (publish, search, retrieve for
developer working with services) [

2. Emphasys Group (Randy Lexvold) will capture publish, search, retrieve
for architect [

3. GBS (Hari) will capture asset governance scenarios [

4. In our next meeting on 29 July 2009 we will review these scenarios and
vote for which ones to be included in version 1 of the REST specification.

*** Asset Mgmt Home page

*** Here's a link to the notes/to-do items from today's meeting.

/////////////////// UPDATE on 1 July 09 Asset Management Workgroup
meeting /////////////////////////
Thanks for your participation on today's call. Below is a snippet from the
wiki that suggests some milestones for the workgroup.

Let me know your thoughts on the milestones - we expect them to change as
we learn more.

Complete Scenario: this means we have documented on the wiki and agreed to
the scenarios for which the REST API will be specified/implemented
Start Draft Specs: this means we have sufficient context from the scenarios
to begin describing the REST API specs; as the specs mature, so development
of the specs can begin as well
Complete Draft Specs: this means we agree on the REST API specs, we expect
the rate of change on the specs to drop as spec implementation proceeds
Complete Spec Impl: one or more implementations of the specification have
been created


Here's a link to the notes/to-do items from today's meeting.


Grant Larsen
STSM, Chief Architect - Asset Management
IBM Rational software
    Voice:    (303) 932-7368
    Mobile:  (303) 601-1257
    Fax:        (303) 932-6963
    Notes:    Grant J Larsen/Denver/IBM
    E-mail:   gjlarsen at us.ibm.com
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