[OSLC] Change Management Working Group Minutes from 19 August 2009
Steve K Speicher
sspeiche at us.ibm.com
Wed Aug 19 12:54:51 EDT 2009
Minutes: http://open-services.net/bin/view/Main/CmMeetings08192009
Attendees: SteveSpeicher, AndreWeinand, SamitMehta, ScottBosworth,
Call for agenda changes, no change
Updates on expanding the participants, some announcements expected soon
Discussion on vocabularies vs metadata
SteveAbrams has done some work on this MetricsMappingVersusStandardTerms
and recommends we review, comment (using comment section at end)
Look at reporting scenarios for CM WG can iterate over change requests,
what properties are needed for what reports.
CM WG will elaborate on reporting scenarios and collaborate with Reporting
topic on specification
Review of updated milestone plans on CmHome page
no objections
discussed potential to adjust milestones to better with WG members and
their potential release dates to support the new specification
One addition to CmImplementationReports for Rational Quality Manager
ACTION items:
All to review and comment on MetricsMappingVersusStandardTerms
SteveSpeicher to elaborate on CmScenariosReporting with specific resources
and property needs, focusing on CM and as well as RM+QM cross-repo reports
MikKersten to elaborate on where common vocabulary can be used and what
properties for ScenariosMylyn (from last meeting)
Next Meeting 2-Sept 12-1 PM ET
Update wiki page with any corrections
Steve Speicher | IBM Rational Software | (919) 254-0645
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