[OSLC] Call for Participation in New OSLC Reporting Topic

Arthur Ryman ryman at ca.ibm.com
Mon Aug 10 11:07:56 EDT 2009

All OSLC Members,

REST services provide an important source of data for to satisfy customer 
requirements in the areas of operational reports, document generation, and 
data warehousing, which we collectively refer to as Reporting. In order to 
satisfy these requirements efficiently and effectively, REST services 
should support features such as paging, filtering, field selection, bulk 
data transfer, delta loads, resource navigation, and metadata for use with 

OSLC is starting a new topic to define guidelines for how REST services 
should support Reporting. [1] 

Since all domains across the software development lifecycle provide data 
that customers need to report on, this topic is being including in the 
newly defined Common Services parent topic [2]. 

This topic is being led by Tack Tong. It is important for this topic to 
have input and review from the other domain-specific topics in order for 
us to develop guidelines that can be readily implemented by a wide range 
of REST services. Please contact Tack if you are interested in 

[1] http://open-services.net/bin/view/Main/ReportingHome
[2] http://open-services.net/bin/view/Main/CommonServices

Arthur Ryman, IBM DE
Chief Architect, Rational Project and Portfolio Management
Office: 905-413-3077, Cell: 416-939-5063
Assistant: Nancy Barnes, 905-413-4182 
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