[OSLC] Change Management Working Group Minutes from 5 August 2009
Steve K Speicher
sspeiche at us.ibm.com
Wed Aug 5 13:45:06 EDT 2009
Minutes: http://open-services.net/bin/view/Main/CmMeetings08052009
Attendees: SteveSpeicher, JayGillibrand, SamLee, SamitMehta, MikKersten,
SteveAbrams, AndreWeinand
Call for agenda changes, no changes
Progress on extending participation
Various initiatives started, following up with various levels of interests
1.0 spec maintenance items review
no additional issues reported
no immediate action needed on new issue, will queue up for future cleanup
Reviewed CQ support of schema
Adds contribution to service provider document for URL for requesting
collection of schemas
Each CQ "record type" has it's own URL which an XSD can be requested
The schemas are heavily cached (using HTTP caching constructs)
CQ provided extensions to XSD to support: read-only, URL's to get dynamic
value sets, queryable
Schemas can be requested on a given resource instance, since constraints
are dependent on current state and values. Can also be requested based on
what action, as constraints are per state transition.
Primary scenario drivers for this support were for:
ScenariosMylyn : off-line task editing, task editor
Reporting scenarios
Some synchronization use cases
Discussion around needed schema support and right languages: XML Schema,
[ACTION] WG to investigate which schema approaches are needed
Discussion around fixed vocabularies vs. open (schema discovered)
MikKersten described how some "fixed" concepts are required by Mylyn
Containment: Project and Component
States: open, working, closed
Attributes: priority, id, (didn't capture all)
[ACTION] SteveAbrams Look how scenarios may be satisfied with a more
robust CM vocabulary, discuss at next OSLC CM call.
[ACTION] MikKersten to provide more details on how common vocabulary could
be used in ScenariosMylyn
Next meeting 19-August-2009 12 ET
Steve Speicher | IBM Rational Software | (919) 254-0645
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