[OSLC] XML namespace prefixes in OSLC specifications

Paul McMahan pmcmahan at us.ibm.com
Mon Aug 3 13:59:09 EDT 2009

XML namespace URIs are clearly an important part of OSLC specification
documents.   XML namespace prefixes might also be considered to be a part
of these specifications as well.  For example, the XML examples in the 1.0
service provider specification use namespace prefixes such as "rdf", "dc",
"oslc_disc".  See

My feeling is that the OSLC specifications should prescribe XML namespace
URIs but use softer language ("SHOULD" or "RECOMMENDED" vs. "MUST") for any
namespace prefixes, if they are discussed at all.   Any thoughts or

Best wishes,
Paul McMahan
Rational Quality Manager - Development
pmcmahan at us.ibm.com
(919) 543-9806  T/L: 441-9806

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