[Community] OSLC Change Management Working Group Minutes from 29 April 2009

Steve K Speicher sspeiche at us.ibm.com
Wed Apr 29 13:49:45 EDT 2009


Attendees: SteveSpeicher, MikKersten, RobertElves, RandyVogel, 
PatrickStreule, ScottBosworth, SteveAbrams 
Validated agenda
Tasktop implementation report: 
working towards basic structure and usable interface for Mylyn base 
would like have something like a user-friendly identifier/name, can be 
used for key in local index 
would like clarification on <dc:identifer> usage in ChangeRequest? spec 
better support will be avaible when schema is available in later OSLC CM 
spec (query and task editor) 
Reviewed next steps for convergence, no outstanding issues. IBM, Tasktop 
and Accenture are on target for May 8th finalization. 
Received comments so far (see agenda): 
RandyVogel #1: WG viewed this as out of scope for 1.0. Asked that Randy 
provide a scenario where this would be needed. 
RandyVogel #2: WG decided to make description optional and leave subject. 
Spec will be updated to clarify what is required on GET versus POST/PUT 
RandyVogel #3: WG agrees that or is out of scope of 1.0. There is or'ing 
of values using the 'in' operator. Or and grouping will be considered for 
future specs. 
GaryDang? #1: WG agrees that this is valuable and can be contained in 1.0. 
Will produce an OSLC CM namespaced element to include in results formats, 
such as <oslc_cm:totalCount> 
Requested additional meeting on May 6th (or some day before May 8th), 
exact time & day TBD 

Steve Speicher | IBM Rational Software | (919) 254-0645
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