[Community] OSLC Change Management Working Group Minutes from 15 April 2009

Steve K Speicher sspeiche at us.ibm.com
Wed Apr 15 16:17:03 EDT 2009


Attendees: SteveSpeicher, MikKersten, RobertElves? , AndreWeinand, 
SamitMehta, RandyVogel, ScottBosworth, GaryDang? , SamLee, JoeToomey 
Validate agenda items 
Current list of specifications and status are listed at CmHome 
No outstanding technical issues 
One specification is evolving: CmFrameCommunicationProtocol and should be 
completed by 17-Apr 
Action to everyone to review all specifications by 29-April meeting and 
provide comments and feedback 
To achieve convergences, steps are: 
Finalize review of specifcations by 29-April 
Each contributing organization will review TermsOfUse#ExhibitA by 29-April 

Finalize and respond to feedback by 8-May 
Each contributing orgnization will produce a TermsOfUse#ExhibitA by 15-May 

Specifications will be locked (non-editable) and each contributing 
organization's TermsOfUse#ExhibitA on or shortly after 15-May 
Concensus on expanding name usage of oslc prefixes. i.e. oscm becomes 
Next meeting April 29th, 12:00 PM Eastern, tentative agenda: 
Tasktop to provide implementation report 
Receive and process final review comments 
Determine next step for convergence 

Please provide any corrections that are needed

Steve Speicher | IBM Rational Software | (919) 254-0645
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