[Community] OSLC Estimation and Measurement Workgroup Membership and Telecons

Arthur Ryman ryman at ca.ibm.com
Tue Apr 14 09:58:30 EDT 2009

You are receiving this note because you've indicated an interest in this 
topic. If you are not interested, please reply to me and I'll remove you 
from the distribution list. If you know someone else who may be 
interested, please forward this note to them.

I've been posting information to our wiki [1] and would like to get 
feedback and volunteers to develop the content. I'd like to schedule 
regular telecons for our workgroup. 

We'll be using the open-services.net wiki and mailing list to collaborate. 
If you have not already done so, please do the following:

Go to the wiki [2] and register to get an id. That will let you edit the 

Go to the mailing list page [3] and subscribe.

[1] http://open-services.net/bin/view/Main/MetricsHome
[2] http://open-services.net/bin/view/Main/WebHome
[3] http://open-services.net/mailman/listinfo/community_open-services.net

I suggest we start with weekly 1-hour telecons. I believe most of us are 
in the EDT timezone. At least one of us is in Bangalore = EDT + 9.5 hours. 
If we meet in the morning EDT, then it won't be too late in Bangalore.

My open slots are in EDT:
Monday 9AM
Tuesday 8AM, 9AM
Friday 8AM, 10AM

Please reply to me with you timezone, availability, and preference. I'm 
looking forward to working with on this interesting topic.Thx.

Arthur Ryman, IBM DE
Chief Architect, Rational Project and Portfolio Management
Office: 905-413-3077, Cell: 416-939-5063
Assistant: Nancy Barnes, 905-413-4182
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