[Community] Fw: open-services.net
Steve K Speicher
sspeiche at us.ibm.com
Wed Dec 3 11:18:18 EST 2008
A quick reply to the statement:
The content can be either application/xml or text/json
I made this too vague.
I've replace it with:
The service must support application/xml for the content body.
It seemed obvious that all implementors would at least support this but it
needs to be explicit and something clients can depend on. Additional
representations (JSON), would be extensions
Steve Speicher | IBM Rational Software | (919) 254-0645
community-bounces at open-services.net wrote on 12/03/2008 11:02:37 AM:
> [Community] Fw: open-services.net
> Martin Nally
> to:
> community
> 12/03/2008 11:10 AM
> Sent by:
> community-bounces at open-services.net
> Steve, I think the new pages you created at open-services.net look
> much better. I'm impressed at how quickly you turned that around. Nice
> I have a technical comment to pass along. The text says:
> >> Update the referenced change request resource with the request's
> The content can be either application/xml or text/json . [my bold]
> The bold text is actually making a very strong architectural
> statement. What is says is that the true information model of the
> resource is neither the XML or the JSON, but some third thing
> (unexplained). To see this, imagine creating a request with XML,
> retrieving it with JSON, updating it with JSON (don't make any
> change, just send back the JSON you got), and then retrieve it with
> XML. You will not get back exactly the same XML, although the XML
> you get may be "equivalent" by some definition of equivalence we
> haven't written down. Things you will lose include XML white-space,
> XML comments, XML element ordering, XML namespace definition details
> (actually dealing with namespaces in JSON will be a whole technical
> topic), XML encoding information (utf8, utf16, ..) and possibly
> other stuff depending on the details of the XML involved.
> This might be the right approach for OSLC, I'm not sure. The
> alternative is to say that you can only PUT XML, and the XML is in
> fact the definition of the state of the resource, not just a
> representation of it. For things like defects, many systems will be
> holding the state in one or more relational tables, so for them, the
> XML and JSON are both just representations. For Jazz
> implementations, I think the XML will in fact be the real data going
> forward, and we will have to translate to and from JSON - with
> resulting loss of "XML detail" if we allow update through JSON. For
> resources whose text formats are standardized - programming language
> source, WSDL, BPEL, HTML, ODF, OOXML, many others - nobody is going
> to think it is acceptable to GET and PUT a different representation
> of those and lose the original text "detail". If we go with the
> design you proposed, we will have two kinds of resources - those
> that have a single "master" representation through which you must do
> updates (e.g. my list above), and those that have no "master"
> representation and that can be updated through several
> representations (e.g. defects), but "representation detail" of any
> paticular representation will be lost. This presumably puts a
> significant burden on the resource definer to define what parts of
> the representations are "essential" and what parts are "detail".
> Best regards, Martin
> Martin Nally, IBM Fellow
> CTO, IBM Rational
> tel: (949)544-4691
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