[oslc-core] Core Specification Version 2.0 Query Syntax: Prefixed Names

Steven B Pitschke pitschke at us.ibm.com
Tue Jul 10 09:30:23 EDT 2012

Hi Arthur,

Yes, I am exactly suggesting we restrict it to

 PrefixedName := PN_PREFIX ':' PN_LOCAL

I am currently working on an implementation of the server side of query 
the Lyo project.  I will change my grammar to use the above, What is the
procedure for changing the OSLC core spec?

Steve Pitschke
Development Lead for IBM Rational Connector for SAP Solution Manager

From:   Arthur Ryman <ryman at ca.ibm.com>
To:     Steven B Pitschke/Lexington/IBM at IBMUS
Cc:     oslc-core at open-services.net, oslc-core-bounces at open-services.net
Date:   07/10/2012 07:57 AM
Subject:        Re: [oslc-core] Core Specification Version 2.0 Query 
Syntax: Prefixed        Names


All of your examples ( ":", "dcterms:" or ":comment") have clear semantics 

and are frequently used in SPARQL and Turtle.

":" means the URI associated with the prefix ":"
"dcterms:" means just the URI associated with the prefix "dcterms:"

Neither of the above is likely to appear in a query string.

":comment" is the concatenation of the URI associate with the prefix ":" 
and the local part "comment". This could be a valid predicate that might 
appear in a query string.

In practice, no OSLC spec uses ":" as a prefix.

Are you suggesting we restrict the grammar to only allow "reasonable" 
prefixed names? In that case, I believe the practice is to use prefixed 
names of the form:

 PrefixedName := PN_PREFIX ':' PN_LOCAL


Arthur Ryman 

DE, Chief Architect, Reporting &
Portfolio Strategy and Management
IBM Software, Rational 

Toronto Lab | +1-905-413-3077 (office) | +1-416-939-5063 (mobile) 

Steven B Pitschke <pitschke at us.ibm.com>
oslc-core at open-services.net
06/29/2012 01:15 PM
[oslc-core] Core Specification Version 2.0 Query Syntax: Prefixed Names
Sent by:
oslc-core-bounces at open-services.net

The core query specification 


defers to the SPAQL specifction for Prefixed Names 

        PrefixedName  ::= /* see "SPARQL Query Language for RDF", 
http://www.w3.org/TR/rdf-sparql-query/#rPrefixedName */ 

However, the semantics and usefulness of some the allowed terminals are 
not clear 
to me: 

[68] PrefixedName := PNAME_LN  |  PNAME_NS 

[71] PNAME_NS := PN_PREFIX? ':' 

For example, what would the prefixed names of ":", "dcterms:" or 
":comment" mean?   I think 
it would be better to only support 

        PrefixedName := ( PN_PREFIX ':' PN_LOCAL ) | PN_LOCAL 

which have fairly clear semantics. 

Steve Pitschke
Senior Software Engineer and Architect 
Rational Software, IBM_______________________________________________
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