[oslc-core] Allowed Values in OSLC Shape

Ian Green1 ian.green at uk.ibm.com
Fri Oct 8 07:39:57 EDT 2010

The meaning of oslc:allowedValues has not been clearly defined.  For
example, what does this mean:



The most obvious interpretation is that the allowable values is the union:
{Edinburgh, Belfast, London, Cardiff}.

Is the cause that AllowedValues resource has dubious meaning and that
multi-valued allowedValue would be clearer, asserted directly on the
oslc:Property.  Reworking this would be a breaking change to the resource
model; but at the least we should give a meaning, or outlaw that
construction altogether.

best wishes,

ian.green at uk.ibm.com (Ian Green1/UK/IBM at IBMGB)
Chief Software Architect, Requirements Definition and Management
IBM Rational

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